Charles Vallerand is an independent consultant, with over 30 years of experience in cultural policies, public service broadcasting and international cooperation. He is currently the Program Optimization Specialist for Telefilm Canada, a national cultural agency dedicated to the development and promotion of the Canadian audio-visual industry. He is also the editor of Cultures in the Digital Era, a weekly press review covering emerging policy issues and best practices for arts and culture in Canada and internationally. Charles had conducted numerous advisory and technical assistance missions on cultural and media diversity policies in Rwanda, Tunisia, Indonesia, Djibouti, China, Zimbabwe, and Colombia. He is the former Executive Director of the Canadian Coalition for Cultural Diversity and General Secretary of the International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (IFCCD) with members in more than 40 countries. He started his career as a policy analyst for the Canadian Department of Communications and later became the Director of Francophonie at the Department of Canadian Heritage, the cultural attaché to the Canadian Embassy in Paris, the Director of Planning and the Director of Communications at TV5 Québec Canada, the Director of Corporate Affairs at CBC/Radio-Canada and the Director of Communications at Canada’s International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development.
Multistakeholder Approach to Develop Guiding Principles on Diversity of Content Online
The Department of Canadian Heritage is organizing this panel session with members of its multistakeholder working group to answer the questions of: What have been the benefits of the approach? What challenges were faced in working in a multistakeholder fashion? Where to go next? How to get there? What concrete actions could be taken to implement the guiding principles and by whom? How to keep the guiding principles relevant in the face of the fast-changing digital environment?